Home - Lifestyle Services Spain
  • Lifestyle Services

    We provide general, specialist & professional services to take care of all your needs when moving to and living in Spain.

  • Relocating to Spain

    We help you plan and make your move, offering everything you need for a hassle free and successful transition to Spain.

  • Visas & Residency

    End to end services providing guidance, advice and expert assistance obtaining visas and residency cards.

  • Property & Legal Services

    Property agents and English speaking Spanish Lawyers to help you find and purchase your home in Spain.

  • Living in Spain

    We help you handle everyday Spanish bureaucracy, from registering at the town hall to more formal matters like tax, we take care of all your needs in Spain.

Moving to Spain

Relocation Services

Make your move to Spain the smart and easy way with Lifestyle Relocation Services. Info, services and advice covering everything you need for a successful and smooth transition into Spain.

Spanish Visa Services

Non-Lucrative & Investor Visas

Get your visa with minimum effort using our professional and efficient visa service. Our team of Spanish visa specialists are based in the UK and Spain. They will guide you through every step of your visa application and assist you with your TIE residency card application.

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Available in Costa del Sol and surrounding areas.

Articles & Info

Our latest useful information and articles relating to moving to and & living in Spain

San Juan

San Juan is a festival celebrated on the night / morning of 23rd / 24th of June.  A magical night that welcomes the summer season, the celebrations take place during the shortest night of the year; the summer solstice. The festivities are usually held on the beach with friends around bonfires with drinks, food and

Tax in Spain for Residents and Non-Residents

Understanding tax in Spain is essential, not just if you live here, but also if you own a property in Spain. The Spanish tax year runs from 1st of January to 31st December.  Residents have to complete their income tax return, declaracion de la renta, by 30th of June the following year, and non-residents have until

British Mums in Spain Get Two Mothers Days

Aside from the sunshine and many other perks of living in Spain, British mums can enjoy two special days every year. Today is mothering Sunday in the UK, and people and families all over the country will be appreciating their mothers and treating them to a special day. In Spain the equivalent day, ‘el dia

Processionary Caterpillars – Marching in March

Processionary Caterpillars, the larvae of the Pine Processionary moth,(Thaumetopoea pityocampa), usually start emerging February to April onwards.  So by March they will typically be getting their marching in full swing. However with the mild winters we’ve been experiencing in their range in Southern Spain, processions are being spotted in some parts a lot earlier, frequently as early as

Digital Nomad Visa Spain
Spain’s Digital Nomad Visa for Remote and Online Workers

Spain’s Digital Nomad Visa and Residency is now more than a year old and has become the second most popular Spanish residency after the Non-Lucrative Visa.  This visa or residency permit allows the holder to live in Spain and work remotely or online.  It can be applied directly in Spain, or via the Spanish Consulate

non lucrative visa
The Requirements and Costs for British Nationals to Get Spanish Non-Lucrative Visas

It’s now the beginning of the 4th year since the UK left the EU changing the requirement and costs for British nationals to get residency in Spain.  British nationals apply for a Spanish residency visa if they want to live in Spain, and by far the most popular is the Non-Lucrative Visa. We initially published

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Lifestyle Services Spain
We help people move to and settle in Spain. As Spanish residency and relocation specialists, we will assist with all aspects of planning and making your move to Spain.

Once you're here, we take care of all your needs to ensure a smooth and hassle free transition into Spain.
Lifestyle Services
Centro Commercial Cala Sol
Boulevard de la Cala - Local B5 1st Floor,
La Cala de Mijas - 29650,
Malaga, Spain
Tel: ES (+34) 951 77 55 44
Tel: UK (+44) 01212 888 555
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