The TIE, Tarjeta de Indentidad de Extranjero, is the Spanish identification card for citizens from third countries (non-EU) who reside in Spain. The Withdrawal Agreement TIE is a special version of this card, issued to British UK nationals who have retained EU rights under the terms of the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement.
The qualifying requirements for applicants e.g. for proof of means remain the same as they were when the UK was in the EU. British UK nationals living in Spain who had not obtained a residency certificate, had until the 31st December 2020 to apply for the the Withdrawal Agreement TIE.
You can now apply for the Withdrawal Agreement TIE in these circumstances:
a) you have the green EU residency certificate.
b) you are a qualifying family member of a British UK national who has either the green EU residency certificate, or the Withdrawal Agreement TIE.
and in in very exceptional instances,
c) you were living in Spain before Brexit, qualified for residency and have continued to live in Spain meeting the residency requirements since.
A qualifying family member may be a spouse, civil partner, child or other legal dependent.
British UK Nationals could apply under the terms of the Withdrawal Agreement up until Brexit, and in some circumstances, afterwards if they could prove they met the eligibility criteria before the 31st December 2020. Apart from very rare qualifying cases for retrospective applications, the Withdrawal Agreement TIE is only available to immediate family members of individuals that already have either the EU residency certificate or the Withdrawal Agreement TIE.
The Withdrawal Agreement TIE ‘tarjeta de idenitidad de extranjeros’ for British UK Nationals
Applying for the Withdrawal Agreement TIE for British UK Nationals
The process is different if you already have the green residency certificate. Click here to read about exchanging your residency certificate for a the Withdrawal Agreement TIE.
If you don’t have a residency certificate, there are two stages in the application process. In the first stage an application is presented to the Foreigners Office (extranjeria) in the province where you reside. The second stage is completed at the National Police Station in the area that you live.
The initial application can be presented in person or by an authorised representative, and can be done face to face at the Foreigners Office, or submitted online.
In most places, you have to call the foreign office to make an appointment to present your application.
The online submission system is working well, and the Foreign Office are encouraging the use of this system. To submit you application you need to have a digital signature and certificate in place. If you don’t have one, you can authorise someone else or a company to complete the online submission on your behalf.
This is done using the ‘Designacion de Represenante‘ form.
First Stage TIE Application & Documentation Required
The wide variances that exists from one town to the next regarding documents for EU residency certificate applications, does not apply to TIE applications, as all applications are processed at the provincial head office not at the Police Station closest to where you live. This makes it a lot easier to assess and prepare applications, and provides a lot more consistency.
To present the TIE application at the first stage the following is needed:
*Completed application form EX20
Indentification and proof of address
*Copy of valid passport
*Certificado de empadronamiento (padron)
*S1 letter if retired or in receipt of exportable UK benefits
*Private medical insurance policy / certificate with proof of the last payment
*Proof of social security payments if employed or self employed
Income / Proof of Financial Means
The exact documents required for proof of financial means varies depending on circumstances. Financial means must be sufficient to cover all dependent applicants. Any of the following as applicable may be required:
*Contract of employment
*3 months payslips
*6 months UK bank statements
*6 months Spanish statements
*Pension P60 or letter
*Contract for rental property
*Average balance certificate from last 6 months
Dependant Applicants
*Birth certificate for child / dependant spouse applicants
*Marriage certificate / record of civil partnership for spouse / partner
Official translations of documents that are not in Spanish must be provided.
Documents to prove that you were living in Spain prior to 31st December 2020 and have continued to do so since
To apply for the Withdrawal Agreement TIE retrospectively, you will need to provide sufficient proof that your were actively living and present in Spain prior to 31st December 2020. You will also need to proof that you have continued living in Spain thereafter meeting all the requirements without any break. The list below provides some examples. The more you can provide, the higher chance you have of your application being accepted.
*receipts of transactions with establishments in Spain
*bank or credit card statements showing transactions in Spain
*proof of medical consultations, dentist or doctors appointments
*vet appointments in Spain
*contracts of any nature entered into in Spain
*receipts for supplies (electricity, water, gas, internet…)
*receipts for fixed or mobile telephones at your address in Spain
*documents from public or private entities that demonstrate having received a service in Spain
*plane ticket/boarding card from entering Spain showing arrival in Spain
*entry stamp in Spain on passport
*certificates with public or private entities stating a relationship with them in Spain (clubs, associations, training centres, gym…)
*income tax returns in Spain
*tenancy agreement
*shopping receipts with name and address
*proof of owning a car, ITV receipts, mechanic bills etc
When your application is received, a receipt will be issued confirming that it has been presented. It will then be reviewed accordingly at the foreigners office. If for any reason your application is not immediately accepted, 10 business days will be given to supply any additional information that may have been asked for to continue with the application. An application that is deemed not to meet criteria will be rejected.
Notification of the approval of your application will be sent within 3 months, and you have one month to make an appointment and complete the second stage application at the National Police Station.
Second Stage TIE Application
The second stage application process is relatively straight forward, and appointments are readily available in most areas at the Foreigners Offices and National Police Stations.
For your second stage application you need to have a pre-booked appointment.
You can make an appointment through the following link:
Proceso automático para la solicitud de cita previa
For your appointment you will need:
*EX23 application form
*Your first stage approval notice / existing EU residency Card and a copy
*Passport and a copy ( a copy of your passport and the application is acceptable if you are in the process of renewing it)
*Small passport (carnet size) photo 32mmx28mm
*Recent padron
*Modelo 790 form with €12 tax paid and stamped by the bank, or with payment receipt attached
When you present your application your fingerprints will be taken, and if everything else is in order, you will be given confirmation of your processed application and told to make an appointment to go back and collect your card. The card will usually be ready in around 5 or 6 weeks.
Your first TIE is valid for 5 years. At the 5 year expiry of your TIE you can apply for a 10 year permanent residency TIE.