Now that BLS International have taken over processing of Non Lucrative Visa Applications, it is no longer possible to track your application through the Spanish Consulate portal. BLS have their own tracking system and in addition to this your can also check the progress of your residency application on the Spanish immigration website.
Check the status of Your Non-Lucrative Visa Application using NIE – Spanish Immigration Online
To check the status of a non-lucrative visa application on the Spanish immigration website, you need to know the NIE of the applicant, the date that the application was submitted at the Consulate, and the year of birth of the applicant.
The residency application portal can be access via the following link:
Click on ‘ENTRADA CON FORMULARIO’, to choose the option to check by entering details in a form.
The application status will then be shown.
If the application has not yet been ‘resolved’, the ‘state of resolution’, (Estado de resolución), will show as IN PROCESS, ‘EN TRAMITE‘,
The residency portal also shows the date that Spanish immigration received your application, the ‘Fecha de Entrada‘ or ‘Date of Entry’.
The difference between the date of your appointment at the Consulate and the date of entry, is the length of time the Consulate took to process your application and submit your residency application to immigration for approval.
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